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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  April 5, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. breaking news, a wall of wild weather marching across the country right now. tornado watches and warnings, up and down the east coast. 100-mile-per-hour winds and huge hail, all caught on tape. >> this is unbelievable. my car is physically shaking. another close call. a harrowing emergency landing for a united jet. >> 497, we've lost all our instruments right now. >> as the government scrambles to inspect more planes. we saw through a plane to see how little separates you from the open sky. and all hail the huskies. >> and the huskies are the top
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dog. >> uconn trumps butler to become ncaa basketball champs. and proves once again that kolo the gorilla really can pick a winner. and fall from grace. kirstie and maks have a painful fall on "dancing with the stars" and pick themselves right back up. we'll hear from the fall guy himself, when maks joins us live, this morning. good morning. robin is off this morning. i'm elizabeth vargas. and there's new reports of damage still coming in, as that massive wall of severe weather is moving east. at least 20 tornadoes reported, already rattling people from alabama to kentucky. there was even a tornado warning just south of washington, d.c. >> and in washington, the clock is ticking, elizabeth. a possible government shutdown as early as friday. just three days before the government runs out of money. the white house and congressional leaders circulated
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a plan overnight for dealing with a possible shutdown. it's the first time they've done that. the president is calling all sides to the white house this morning. but they're still far apart. no deal means like on saturday morning, national parks could close. other government services could be curtailed. >> every hour, we're either closer or further away from a deal. let's get right to the spring storms that are hitting at this hour. sam is tracking the storm front. but we'll start with steve osunsami in tennessee. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. we are west of the city, where the winds are so strong, they lifted this roof off of this car dealership. twisted it around a bit. and then, brought it crashing back down on the two people working there inside. a car is now holding it up. they were lucky to get out alive. this giant storm was intense. >> this is unbelievable. my car is physically shaking.
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this is actually frightening what's going on here. >> reporter: and it was deadly. one man died in tennessee after he stepped on a downed power line. another man died in mississippi, a after he ran into a tree that blocked the road. it was raining so hard, he couldn't see. >> the young man that was in it was pretty much killed on impact. that's what we can tell at this point. >> reporter: the storm stretched from new england to the gulf of mexico. and marched across the country like an angry army. in topeka, this woman opened her eyes and there was the tornado. >> first thought was, i ran in the house and told them to get downstairs. >> reporter: there were 90 mimp winds whipping through louisiana. at a factory in hopkinsville, kentucky, a tornado tore through the wall. in dixon, tennessee, stacy hood and his family went running for cover. >> you would hear it rip it off. and water started pouring in through the ceiling. just terrible. >> reporter: overnight in georgia, the lights went out for
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nearly 150,000 of the state's residents. and two people were killed. wind gusts reached 100 miles per hour and were strong enough to bring down huge trees. this morning, families who fled will come back to clean up. >> we were worried we weren't going to have a house when we come back. >> reporter: at 1 point there were more than 1,500 lightning strikes occurring in 1 10-minute period. and last night, those lightning strikes caused at least three fires in georgia. sam is in the weather center tracking this huge front. good morning to you, sam. >> good morning, elizabeth. one of the most active days. if you took it in a 24-hour period, that we've had since about 2008. we're talking about millions of people. yesterday afternoon, all the way through the night, to this morning. didn't get a night sleep. cleaning up storm damage. as the storms move into the northeast, they're weakening a little bit. look at that angry-looking sky. and some places it's not weaking is in the deep south, the
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carolina and georgia and florida coastline. almost 900 now. the active number is 897 storm reports since the storms started firing yesterday afternoon. here's the radar line. you can see it goes from the panhandle of florida, all the way to new york state. let's get a little closer into the new york city area, where some of the storms have left the washington, d.c. area and sliding out towards the atlantic. philly is getting involved in this. a little in scranton, pennsylvania. as we said, the dark sky we just showed you in new york, is this line of rain moving through the area now. here's where the storms will quickly go. we'll talk more about this as we get to all of america's weather in a minute. but it's the tip of the east coast and central florida that will have to deal with these storms. yet again, another afternoon cycle. george? >> okay, thanks, sam. we're going to washington, where overnight, the chance of a government shutdown this weekend appeared to go up pretty dramatically. we want to bring in our washington correspondents, jake tapper and jon karl. jake, let me begin with you.
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any planning for a possible shutdown. but last night, a directive goes out to government agencies, telling them to get ready. >> reporter: that's exactly right. the office of management and budget sent out a notice to agencies and department heads, telling them to prepare their senior managers for their contingency plans for a government shutdown. the white house is still sussing out, figuring out what this will mean in terms of parks that are closed, museums that are closed. veterans that are not able to get assistance with their benefits. they're now preparing for the conta contingenc contingency, george. >> and, jon, they come up with a new proposal for a shutdown. and also preparing their members for a shutdown. >> reporter: they're putting out guides to all offices saying nonessential personnel must stay home. that's half of the personnel that work here on capitol hill. this place will essentially grind to a halt. this proposal they put forward to prevent that would fund the government for another week.
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also fund the pentagon for the rest of the year. but it comes with a steep price. republicans are demanding $12 billion in spending cuts just for that one week. >> jake, that's not going to fly with the white house. it looked like last week they were making a lot of progress. over the weekend, everything stalled. the president calling both sides to the white house. from the white house perspective, what's the biggest sticking point to a deal? >> reporter: from the perspective of democrats close to the process, i can say there's a concern that house speaker john boehner does not control the republicans in his caucus. so, the negotiations going on right now, which are in the staff level. you might remember in december, vice president biden negotiated specifically with the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. but these negotiations are going on in the staff level. democrats say speaker boehner doesn't want to be seen as negotiating with the white house. but there's the concern that what is negotiated, speaker boehner doesn't know if his republican caucus will sign off on it until he meets with them. that's a big concern. >> right. that's why, jon, you saw speaker
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boehner say the $33 billion target was not good enough. it was not something he had agreed to. and it comes as his leadership is putting out a brand-new, long-term budget, that has passive savings. close to $6 trillion. >> reporter: we're squabbling over a new billion dollars. republicans want more than that, $33 billion for the rest of the year. this new budget released today by paul ryan, the republican budget chairman, is $6.2 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years. far more than anything we're talking about here. >> okay, jon karl, jake tapper, thank you both very much. we're also approaching a possible hitting the government debt limit. the treasury of the secretary said that could come as early as july. as we reach the shutdown deadlines, i'll have an exclusive interview with house speaker, john boehner. that's thursday morning here on "gma." a united airlines flight was forced to land blind in
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new orleans, just moments after takeoff. no one was hurt. but passengers described a terrifying decent. lisa stark has the latest on this latest air scare. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. imagine if you can, taking off in new orleans into cloudy skies. suddenly smoke is filling the plane. it's an airbus jet. the pilots start losing their instruments. this is a dire situation. and that plane has to get on the ground right away. listen in as this emergency unfolds. still climbing, moments after takeoff, the pilots had a problem. >> united 497. we have smoke issue with the airplane. >> reporter: the crew immediately began emergency procedures. >> we are declaring an emergency. >> reporter: alarms ring out. then, the unthinkable. >> 497, we've lost all our instruments right now. and we're going to need just a p.a.r. >> reporter: forced to rely on backup instruments, the pilots
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fought with their controls as the tower asked for critical information. >> united 497, safe souls onboard and fuel remaining? >> 106 souls onboard. >> reporter: the pilots, essentially flying blind, descended to 600 feet, with the tower talking them down. >> 497, just continue left turn. i'll tell you when to stop, sir. >> reporter: heavy with fuel, the pilots ask for the long runway. >> please roll equipment for our landing. >> if unable to roll 10, can you take 19? >> reporter: but runway ten was closed for construction. >> i understand, sir. we're getting them off as fast as we can. >> reporter: there was no time. the pilots made their emergency landing on the shorter runway. >> this is our air force touching down now. follow the aircraft down along the runway. >> roger that, sir. >> reporter: the plane skidded off the runway. evacuation slides were immediately deployed. and every onboard made it out safe and sound. >> he was talking on the loud
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speaker. all of a sudden, the speech stopped. >> i got off the plane and started to run. i knew how much fuel was on the plane, what was worried me. >> reporter: this amazing landing required a very delicate and precise balance, a dance, really, between the pilots and the air traffic controllers. both were perfectly in step. george? >> that was impressive skill. you're right. thanks very much. in the wake of the southwest incident over the weekend, there's big questions being raised how loots do the skins of the plane rip? the fuselage had developed microscopic cracks in its aluminum skin. and abbie boudreau has more on the thin layer that keeps us safe when we fly. abbie? >> reporter: good morning, george. of the 175 airplanes ordered for emergency inspection, 80 of them are operated by southwest airlines. we wanted to know how these planes are built and how strong they really are. so, we headed to the desert, of
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all places, to find out. in the middle of the california mojave desert, going where cameras are rarely allowed. a graveyard for old planes. this is one of the planes they use at this testing facility. and this is what it looks like when it's stripped down. these are the bones of the structure. it's what holds the plane together. and as you can see, it's all made of aluminum. on top of this boeing 737, a worker tore through the metal, so we can see what really stands between the aluminum plane and the open sky. something southwest airline passengers saw firsthand, when part of their plane ripped apart mid flight. this was the piece that was taken from the top of the plane. it's all aluminum. and look. it's just millimeters thick. stuart witt is a pilot. he says even though the aluminum shell doesn't look impressive, it's safe. and it's been doing its job for more than 70 years.
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>> millions of people will fly today. and they will all arrive at their destinations safely in aluminum airplanes. >> reporter: but aluminum fatigues, meaning it can crack, stretch and break apart over time. inspectors are now left to catch for cracks in 80 planes that operate in the u.s. but cracks can be hard to see. so, they rely on devices like this, which use electricity to check for cracks. this aviation pioneer, said that a material made mostly of carbon fiber is the future of modern flight. >> this is four-times or five-times stronger than it needs to be. >> reporter: rutan says the composite is light weight and doesn't stretch over time. he took us for a ride on his tiny, two-seater, built almost entirely of carbon fiber. even though some pilots like the one you saw in the story truly believes that composite is the future, experts tell us it would
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be a costly change and probably will not have for some time. elizabeth? >> abbie, thanks so much. joining us now is abc news consultant, john nance. we heard this is a problem. cracks occurring in places that we didn't know were vulnerable to cracks. >> this is the major problem. after 1988, and the aloha accident, when the top came off an old 737, we thought we had revamped the inspections that needed to be done. there may have been an area we didn't get to. and apparently this is it. nobody thought that cracks was going to be a problem in the middle of the fuselage. >> we just heard abbie report that most of the planes covered by this faa inspection order are flown by southwest airline, which specializes in shorter flights. a southwest airline will have 12 takeoffs and landings per day, while other airlines average 6 to 8. how much of this problem is a problem with southwest and that flight schedule? >> i don't think this is really
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species specific to southwest. every airline out there is trying to utilize their fleet as much as they possibly can. there was a time in southwest's past when they were up and down in less than an hour each leg. that's really not the case today. it's very similar for any other type of airplane. what we're looking at is not a southwest problem. we're looking at a problem with aging aircraft anywhere in the fleet, worldwide. >> should aircraft that's flown on the shorter hops be inspected more frequently? >> apparently we're going to have to come to some conclusion on that, elizabeth. and it very likely is going to be more inspections as the aircraft ages. this is a middle-aged aircraft that had the hole in it the other day. it wasn't like it was an old, e decrepid bird. >> the jets that go up and down more frequently, are more susceptible to the cracks. but i wanted to ask you about the united airlines jet and that composure we hear in that pilot's voice, as he struggles
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with a plane full of smoke and a loss of electricity to bring it down successfully. take us inside the cockpit. what was happening? >> what was happening, they were seeing a cascade of failures, including the problem with the smoke. then, a failure of their instruments. and then, the weather. and asking for a p.a.r., we don't get many of anymore, which is a precision approach. that's a gutsy thing to do. not only gutsy, but they did a very good job of it, the controllers and the pilot. i guarantee you, the heart rates for high. >> the heart rates were high, but you couldn't tell in the voice. they did it well. thanks, john. speaking of cascades, we're going to turn to the crisis in japan, where workers at the crippled nuclear complex are forced to take new, drastic action. all of the water they've cooled has nowhere to go. now, they're pumping gallons of radioactive spilloff into the pacific. neal karlinsky has more on this
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spreading risk. >> reporter: fear of a meltdown is no longer the number one concern here. it's the spread of radioactive water in the ocean. it's getting worse. they're picking up radiation levels millions of times higher than normal, just off the coast, near the reactors. at the fishing port in kashima, japan, they're repairing tsunami-damaged boats, as they're facing sea water that frightens them more. can you fish right now? i can't go out to fish because of the radiation. i can't do anything, he says. just north of here, a radioactive fish was caught with unsafed levels of iodine 131 and cesium 137. how are you going to convince people that your fish are safe to eat? it's just a bad rumor that's going around, he says. the fish are totally fine, i believe. offshore from the fukushima
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plant, the news is only getting worse. sea water near the plant is now testing at levels off the charts. 7.5 million-times more radioactive than the legal limits. officials are now intentionally dumping radioactive water into the ocean. 11,500 tons, enough to fill 4 olympic swimming pools. they have to spray water on the reactors to keep them from melting down further. but all of that runoff is creating a toxic stew. bad water is being dumped so the worst of the water can be contained. but there's leaks, too, leading to efforts to put up underwater barriers to stem the flow. so far, nothing is working. we're deeply sorry for discharging the radiated water says this government spokesman. but it was necessary to prevent spreading higher radiation water into the ocean. >> translator: the water contains a high level of radiation. this is a regret. we are sorry for this decision we have to make.
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>> reporter: seafood from the area affected has now been banned. and the japanese government, today, for the first time, set up regulations for radiation levels in seafood, the same they have in vegetables. they're hoping, george, that eases people's concerns. >> we hope so, too. neal, thanks very much. let's go back outside with sam and the weather. >> i want to show you. take a look up at the clouds that are over times square right now. these are some of the lines around the thunderstorms that are moving really quickly. the line has weakened as it's headed into the northeast. but i don't know if you can spot the darker clouds below the lighter ones that are just flying by here. in comes the rain. we're under a severe thunderstorm watch until about 10:00 on the eastern seaboard. here's what we think is going to happen in the northeast. once what's left of this storm line moves through, you get a mild, nice day. a quick look at the rest of the southwest. we'll show you how warm it is. it doesn't stay warm. and the big board, we'll show you. yeah. those storms, you have to look right on the east coast. that's what's left of the strong
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storm today. it's milder and drier behind it. cold front moving in as we speak. they are moving into the blue e.dg the severe weather threatened far east of us. just a few spotty showers here and there. and birchers will be in the 50's. temperatures will be
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50's. far cry from the 80's of what a wild night in weather. we just got a few hours left of it as a possibility, later on this morning. george? elizabeth? >> sam, you were up late anyway for the ncaas. i know that. uconn beats butler for the men's championship. this was not a surprise. big win for uconn. but it was picked by kolo. kolo, the gorilla. she did pick it. she got down to the final two. picked the winner, uconn. now, we decided it was time for colo to take on the world, of all kinds of things. starting with the masters. >> i can't believe we're doing this. >> the four top golfers. go with it, elizabeth. >> right. she will pick who will be the republican nominee, running against president obama. until she gets it wrong, they will let her pick.
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>> maybe the winner on "dancing with the stars." coming up, are you addicted to eating? there's new research that says your food addiction is like a drug addiction. and the latest government conspiracy theory. how are you getting to a happier place? running there? dancing there? how about eating soup to get there? campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition,
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farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. try cottonelle ultra toilet paper. want to switch up your routine? nothing beats how thick it is. [ carl ] love it! it's that one little switch that's made all the difference. peanut, we're going dancing. [ female announcer ] make the ultra switch. find cottonelle ultra codes for a chance to win ultra prizes. ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ oh, do it [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate, from nestle. wonder where the durango's been for the last two years? well, it toured around europe, getting handling and steering lessons on those sporty european roads. it went back to school, got an advanced degree in technology. it's been working out -- more muscle and less fat. it's only been two years, but it's done more in two years
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than most cars do in a lifetime. [ male announcer ] on tuscani tuesdays, any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks. dinner made easy? check. [ male announcer ] with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays. and only at your pizza hut. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash.
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live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. is 7:26 on this tuesday, april 5. thuman with your news update. we will be checking on your
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commute with lisa baden. >> a lot of volume. beltway is clogged on the outer loop. the inner loop is often don from to 66 --- off and on brought up to 66. is the traffic changed -- traffic pattern changed on the 14th street bridge. look at the george washington parkway, lining up to join those on 395. here is the beltway life in bethesda. wreck.s a minor now to adam caskey. the cold front is moving in speak, crossing over the blue ridge. light areas of rain. the gods are moving quickly e of a strong upper-level the clouds are moving quickly because of the strong upper-
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level wind. 57 in the district. 61 in leesburg. is at 57. be in the 50 -- gaithersburg is at 57. be in the 50's today. we will be back into the 60's of the >> the severe storms caused problems. tree fell on a car. authorities say one person non-life-threatening injuries and the storm knocked of homes to hundreds businesses. another news update at 7:56. sink your teeth into some big n' toasty if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calllls for the new big n' toasty. wrap your hands around fried eggs, cherrywood-smoked bacon, and cheese on texas toast. america runs on dunkin'.
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♪ i get knocked down but i get up again ♪ ooh. ♪ they're never going to keep me down ♪ >> ouch. that's the moment that had the audience gasping. kirstie alley and her dancing partner, maks, and a painful stumble in the ballroom. maks looked like he was really in pain. but the show went on. he got back up, as you see. they went back at it again. he's going to be here live to tell us what really happened. >> i don't know what happened. >> we've seen falls on the show and injuries. but nothing quite like that. >> and as you said, we're going to talk to him. to see how he's doing. to finish that dance and get a
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21 -- >> a gold star. pop quiz right now. is food your drug of choice. do you have a food addiction? >> do i have a food addiction? i have a dorito addiction. >> there's a new study out this morning that says that may be true. when you can't stop eating food, it's not just a matter of willpower. it could be a real addiction. >> this is controversial, too, among people who claim to have food addictions and say they're not taken seriously. also, is plastic fantastic? we have a story that will change the way you may look at plastic surgery. you're going to meet a woman who has had more plastic surgery than anyone. $100,000 worth of work. was it worth it? you decide this morning. and when you find out how old she is. >> yeah. and she believes it was worth it. we begin with the hunt for the serial killer on long island, expected now of at least eight murders. three, new bodies were discovered monday. and search teams will be looking for more possible victims and the killer this morning.
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andrea canning is in oak beach, new york, with the latest. good morning, andrea. >> reporter: good morning, george. this area has basically turned into one, giant crime scene. they've shut down a seven-mile stretch of road along this beach. and they will continue searching. and what's creepy about all this, the women all have one thing in common. it appears the killer was targeting them because they all advertised on craigslist. it's been a never-ending manhunt for police, who continue to make gruesome discovery after discovery. this bright orange flag marking one of the latest. >> we found human remains. three human remains so far. >> reporter: bringing the total to eight bodies, striking fear into this quaint, oceanside community. >> it becomes -- i hate to say it. but a bit of a sensational drama. >> reporter: the search has intensified, using fire truck ladders to see over the heavy brush, as well as cadaver dogs. >> the killer feels comfortable.
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he feels like he has the time. and the bodies are secreted in such a fashion that people walking up and down the road are not going to see them. >> reporter: still, there's no suspect. and the latest bodies are yet to be identified. but there is a trail of potentially critical clues. from a frantic 911 call, to postings on a popular website. police believe the killer are targeting prostitutes. of the four women already identified, all advertised on craigslist. >> they're going to see if craigslist has captured any information. it will many times list a cell phone number, and/or an e-mail address. clearly, the killer had to communicate with the victim prior to meeting her. >> reporter: police literally stumbled on other bodies in december. some had been there for two years, while searching for shannon gilbert, a 22-year-old prostitute from new jersey. gilbert's family says she called 911 the night she went missing in may.
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>> her last phone call was 21 minutes to 911, when she was grabbed and pulled into the truck. >> reporter: now, police believe they may have found her in this latest search. >> the medical examiner is going to be looking at the possibility that shannon gilbert is one of the remains. >> reporter: as for the rest of the bodies, it's a big challenge. is there a chance that these bodies may never be identified? >> it does very heavily rely on the presence of a dna match somewhere in the system. if that data isn't in the laboratory, we could get a good dna profile from the skeleton, if there's nothing to watch it against, we may not know who that person is. >> reporter: this is a challenging search for these police officers. it's foggy out here, as you saw. the brush is very thick. dozens of them have been infected with poison ivy. there's ticks out here. but elizabeth and george, the search must go on because they do believe there could be more bodies. >> been out there for such a
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long time. andrea, thanks very much. >> unbelievable story. a california man is in critical condition, after being brutally beaten, following an opening day baseball game. the victim was a san francisco giants fan. and the perpetrators were apparently l.a. dodgers fans. the shocking crimes have brought the cities and the teams together. matt gutman has the latest. >> reporter: it's shocking each time. >> this is very, very dangerous. >> reporter: team loyalty turns into trash talk in the stands. trash talk into fists, clubs, sometimes worse. >> pathetic coward hit him from behind. >> reporter: brian, the father of two. he road trips with friends from santa cruz to los angeles, for the giants/dodgers game on thursday. but on the way back to the car, things took an ugly turn. >> both of them pushed brian from behind. he fell forward and hit his head on the concrete and was
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immediately knocked unconscious. >> reporter: inside the car, a 10-year-old boy, say police. l.a. county is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the pair. he remains in a medically-induced coma. >> they made him miss his kids. because of them, he's not able to be with his kids. >> reporter: and the irony, almost too much for the stowe family. brian is a paramedic. >> brian saves every day of his life, saving people's lives. >> reporter: soccer skirmishes are fought on the scale of small wars. even world series victories can promote riot. one boston fan in 2004. >> she was a bystander. >> reporter: and who can forget this brawl between fans and nba star, ron artest. still considered one of the ugliest brawls in our history. local sportswriters slammed dodgers own, frank mccourt.
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after the attack he said, it had marred an otherwise fantastic day. on the day of stowe's attack, 72 dodgers fans were arrested. for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news. >> 72 fans arrested. unbelievable. now, let's check in with juju chang for a look at all the other news. the stories developing this morning. >> good morning, elizabeth and george. good morning, everyone. we begin with a legal turnaround for the obama administration. it's giving up the fight to try 9/11 suspects in civilian court here in new york. instead, self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, khalid shaikh mohammed and four other suspects will be tried before a military tribunal at guantanamo bay. the president will have to break his campaign promise to shut down that prison. gas prices are on the rise again. prices are averaging $3.68 per gallon. that's an increase of 9 cents in the last week. and take a look at this. prices of everything, from food to fuel, rose at a rate of
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nearly 6% since january. but our pay is not keeping pace. wages are up only 1%. and finally, results this morning from the first-ever u.s. dog census. it's being called the national mutt census because we're talking about mixed breeds. the most popular are those with german shepherd in their blood. the labrador retriever is second, followed by the chow chow, boxer and rottweiler. almost half of the dog owners say they get their dogs from shelters. >> a mutt census. >> a mutt census. >> i like it. thanks, juju. >> they didn't come to our house. we have little mutts. >> there you go. >> that's daisy. daisy's pure. but she is from a shelter. >> i see rottweiler in there. >> you heard her bark. >> absolutely. time to check in with sam champion and the weather. hey, sam. >> vicious daisy. let me give you some stats because the numbers are still coming in from last night's storms. 917 events of severe weather reported.
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that beats anything since april 2006. we'd have to get above 1,000. and we have time in the carolinas. let's jump to fargo. i'm going to show you flooding going on there for a while. it's been a rough snow season. we're into spring thaw. you're looking at the red river there. but 15 river gauges in the upper midwest are in major flooding right now. rivers are on the rise. mississippi, red river, minnesota, other small rivers in the area, are forecasted to be at the major flood zone in the next 48 hours. here's where these storms are still rolling. we will continue to collect data on the carolina coastline and through central florida. remember, we have another warming cycle to fire up all that again with the afternoon thunderstorms. and they should go until 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon. elsewhere, it is drier. every place that saw the rough weather last nigh a weak line of rain to the north west of the metro area. it is moving into fairfax
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county. will be partly cloudy 7 and and in the 50' here we go. we have a little rain falling. settle in with your coffee for the "gma morning menu." we've been joking about it. but is it possible that we are addicted to our favorite foods? you'll find out next on "gma." also, remember that reporter whose live shot turned to gibberish? you won't believe or maybe you will, see the new theory. also, the next oprah. to rush to fill the gap on your favorite afternoon talk show. who is it going to be? we'll be right back. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee time. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze. but with zyrtec® liquid gels, i get fast, 24-hour allergy relief. so i feel better by the time we tee off. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. so i feel better by the time we tee off.
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introducing honey bunches of oats, raisin medley. there's nothing like it! the only cereal with 1, 2, 3 kinds of raisins and crunchy multigrain flakes. you gotta try new honey bunches of oats raisin medley. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road?
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hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. it was a tough game out there today. i thought i was going to be it forever, but then it was dig deep time, and i brought it... and i struck like a cobra.
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that was a good tag. [ male announcer ] kids take play seriously. nourish it. quaker chewy -- the goodness of whole grains, no high fructose corn syrup and 25% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks. how often have you said you're addicted to a food like ice cream or chocolate? now, there's scientific proof you can get hooked on food,
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exactly the same way you can get hooked on drugs. sharyn alfonsi has more on the groundbreaking study. we all think we have a past now. but this is science. >> reporter: a lot of people think that a food addiction isn't a true addiction. they think it's lack of willpower. there's new research that shows that food addicts are wired differently. we see in a new series, that addiction can often be just as powerful, just as debill tating as a drug addiction. >> my name is robby. i'm 50 years old. i'm 150 pounds overweight. >> reporter: the painful process of treating food addiction is part of a new series on the oprah winfrey network called "addicted to food." and it provides rare access into this desperate struggle. >> you know what we trade here? we call it the big "c." we treat control. >> reporter: it's not just a matter of willpower. it's biology. people addicted to food have similar activity in their brains as people who are addicted to
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drug or alcohol. these scans are of a brain of a food addict that's been shown pictures of a milkshake. the part of the brain that lights up deal with anticipation. it releases cravings in the same section of the brain as those addicted to drugs or alcohol. in the treatment center, featured on "addicted to food," we see that some patients can't control their impulses. >> right after dinner, elizabeth got up and went right to the bathroom. >> what do you think? think she purged? >> i think she purged. >> reporter: the show is brutally honest about the struggle that these addicts cope with daily. >> i have diabetes. this is the first time i'm shocked or scared in realizing that i have to change. it needs to happen now because i could die. >> reporter: a lot of people wonder, how do you know if you
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overeat or if you have a food addiction? one doctor put it this way, if you grab a couple of doughnuts at the office and you feel bad about it, you might have overate. if you stop and think about them and stop at the doughnut shop later, you might have a food addiction. if you have alcoholism, you can avoid going into bars. if you have a food addiction, you have to eat. this is a tough thing for people to grab ahold on. >> sharyn, thanks very much. remember that reporter who melted down on air? was it a migraine? or something more menacing? hey kids, mommy's got a surprise for you. [ rattling ] wanna see what's in it? yeah! whoagasp! whoagasp! whoagasp! you wanna make these? you put it in here? yeah, put it in there. ok, just press. i'm gonna give you some m&m's to put in there. ok! ready? and then you wanna take this... ...put it together. shake it. [ giggles ] are you making them for the easter bunny? no, you. ahhhhh.
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[ female announcer ] this easter... bring a tradition... out of its shell. rice krispies. i did it! you did! i mean they're rewards, right? right? right. with the bankamericard cash rewards™ credit card... i get 1% cash back on every purchase. 1% cash back on groceries. highlights. frog leg green. 1% cash back on... whatever that is? and there is no limit to the amount of cash back you can earn. no expiration on rewards. no hoops to jump through. -simple. -i love this card. looove it. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. air optix contacts let up to five times more oxygen through the lens for enhanced breathability. air optix. the lens you can survive a long day in. go to for a free one-month trial offer.
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air optix. the lens you can survive a long day in. gotta get that bacon! there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! but we all know kids would rather they just disappear. ♪ make me say la la la la la la ♪ [ woman ] now with a little magic from mom, there's an easy way to get kids he nutrition they need. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids aready love.
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mott's medleys. ♪ la la la [ woman ] inviible vegetables. magical taste.
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we have the latest conspiracy theory for jesse ventura. some folks are convinced that the california tv reporter that started spouting gibberish a couple of weeks back, was under a brain wave. here's the latest from john berman. >> reporter: infamous conspiracies. the kennedy assassination. area 51, where we've supposedly been hiding aliens for years. now, television reporters, mangled live shots. that's right. is the government somehow making this happen? >> very, very heavy -- tonight. we had a very -- >> reporter: remember local cbs reporter serene branson's slurred speech after the
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grammys. or this from canadian reporter, mark mccallister. even the beloved judge judy was rushed to the hospital after slurred speech during taping. what was the cause? they claimed, maymy grain. migraine and undiagnosed fatigue. that's what they claim. but some on the internet say it could be something different. namely, secret government microwave brain rays. no joke. one person said branson was the victim of a microwave radio frequency weapon attack. the diagnosis of migraine seems to be disingenuous at best. the military did develop pain rays can blast a pain sensation under your skin. it begs the question, why would the government want to attack a grammy reporter, a canadian and judge judy. it might help explain my flub last week.
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>> in vitro fertilization. and women having children later. did you hear that? did i just get hit by a secret government microwave brain ray? the truth is out there. for "good morning america," john berman, abc news, new york. >> if that's his worst, i'm getting hit every day. >> if that's his worst, i'm getting hit every day. we'll be right back. nkey. it's vacation time! ohhhhh, who says ogres can't surf? nice moves fiona! ha, ha, ha, i love 3d. wooo hooooo! [ shrek ] gingy! [ laughs ] hey do the roar. roooooar! yeah! marty, what's shrek doing on a cruise ship? looks like he's having fun! [ female announcer ] join the dreamworks experience for the ultimate vacation, only on royal caribbean. you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ [ beep ] hey. [ giggles ]ok.
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with your giant card.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. the time is 7:56 on this tuesday, april 5. i am scott thuman with your news update. we will take a look at a roadways with lisa baden. pavement starting to likeut and things normal. getting back to of volume this
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morning. look at traffic across the 14th a trafficdge with pattern changed. here is the back about a get to the 14th street bridge. maryland had a crash in the intersection of orchard road and copper road. the severe weather is out of here. no threat for the rest of the day today. showers are lingering this toward as gaithersburg. otherwise, light showers elsewhere. this is the cold front moving dropping.mperatures it is in the 50's right now. it will rise into the upper 50's by this afternoon. there will be some sunshine by gusty.ernoon and tomorrow, back in the 60's. some drivers will soon be
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more to use the connector. tomorrow, drivers without an e-z pass will face a eachministrative fee for trip. receive a bill in the mail for the tall and that feet. update atve another 8:27. for continuous news coverage, tune in to news channel 8.
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♪ they are not going to be deterred by a little bit of rain. and maks will not be deferred by that stumble last night. boy, he looked like he was in so much pain. but maks and kirstie alley got right back up. right there. it hurt. but they scored a 21. and maks is going to join us this morning to tell us all about it. >> he's got his leg up. he's icing the muscle. maks, we're rooting for you to get better soon.
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also this morning, we're going to talk to a woman in london. does she have the perfect look? you'll meet the woman who holds the record, the world record for the most closkocosmetic surgery. was it worth it? does her face still move? she'll tell us in a moment. >> they showed a shot of her face that was not moving. >> that's right. >> she's coming up. but also, she's always stirring things up on "desperate housewives." eva longoria is here, heating up our kitchen. we have her live. oprah, who can take her place? can anyone take her place? the contenders are lining up, joined by katie couric, who is said to throw her hat in the ring, too. >> reporter: this is the talk of the town. the saying goes, everyone is replaceable. but does that hold true for oprah?
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we'll have our answer a month from now. mark your calendars. may 25th is when the last episode of "the oprah show" will air. she's the reigning queen of daytime tv. with 25 years and millions of viewers, oprah is going to leave a gap on tv like the grand canyon when she goes off the air in may. >> i don't think anyone is going to achieve that, insane level of success. >> reporter: but someone will certainly try. who could eclipse oprah's star? ellen degeneres, dr. phil or dr. o. maybe a talk show contender, like anderson cooper. or maybe, she's just irreplaceable. >> i don't think oprah can be replaced. >> oprah is the only one oprah. >> no one. the second-best would be ellen. >> reporter: and now, with the latest speculation that katie couric is seriously planning a syndicated show of her own, experts say the competition is
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narrowing down. >> katie has proven, like oprah, she can do the serious fare. and she can do some lighter fare. a big wild card is anderson cooper. >> reporter: which is it? team anderson? or team katie? viewers are taking side. >> team anderson. >> team katie. >> team anderson, because he's cute. >> reporter: but do they know the secret to oprah's success? can katie be personal enough after doing the news? will anderson be loose enough for daytime tv? could it really all be in a name? >> ellen probably has the best shot. she has the name recognition. she is a one-namer. oprah/ellen. and ellen's fans have a connection to her. >> reporter: ellen can dance, too. some were wondering if katie would be able to bring a large audience with her, that she's most famous for being a morning show ensemble. as for anderson and ellen, who have popular solo shows, the viewers will have the final say.
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here's a challenge. do you remember life before oprah? i tried to wrack my brain this morning. >> he's so huge. she's huge in the book industry. sold so many books. >> there's no replacing oprah. >> it's a phenomenon. >> who will be at the top of the pack? we want everybody at home for that. vote who you think will be the next champ of daytime television. even if they're not the next oprah. let's look at the top stories of the morning with juju chang. >> good morning, guys. good morning, everyone. parts of the east coast are bracing for more severe storms this morning, while the south begins cleaning up. high winds, rain and lightning ripped through the region, uprooting trees, including one that crashed through a man's bedroom in georgia. hundreds of thousands of people lost power. in all, three people were killed as at least 20 reported tornadoes hit 5 different states. sam will have the late northwest a minute. president obama meets with top republicans this morning
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hoping to avoid a deal that would prevent a government shutdown friday. they're also proposing a budget for next year, which includes $6 trillion in cuts. one area under the financial microscope in washington is social security. just as millions of baby-boomers reach retirement age. a new poll this morning finds nearly half of baby-boomers are worried they won't have enough money to stop working. one in four have given up hopes of retiring at all because of their lack of savings. southwest airlines is expected to resume a normal schedule today, despite a looming government order to inspect virtually all its boeing 737s. the order is aimed at finding microscopic cracks like the one that caused a gaping hole to open up in midair on friday. cracks were found in three other planes. but so far, most of the 737s have been cleared to return to the skies. the next time your boss asks you to work long hours, consider
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this new medical study. it found that people who worked 11 hours or longer on a consistent basis have a 70% higher risk for heart disease than those who work traditional hours. now, diane sawyer with a provocative question for tonight's "world news." diane? >> good morning, to you, juju. we're going to join this debate tonight. we know about yale. well, when the men at a legendary college campus labeled the women hot or not hot, is it just fun? or is it something for the courts? tonight, weigh in on this debate. you'll hear what the men have to say on "world news." >> can't wait for that. and finally, have you seen this emotional reunion from japan? watch as a dog jumps into her owner's arms after seeing her for the first time since the earthquake and tsunami separated them. the dog was actually spotted more than a mile off of the coast, floating on top of debris and was rescued by the coast
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guard. her owner saw the rescue on tv and recognized her dog immediately. time, now, for the weather. it's 8:06. sam, how are you? >> juju, that was really good. >> i know. >> it tears you up. you know they were both so excited to see each other. >> i know. and it's just a reflection of all the reunions going on out there. >> yeah. it's true. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> okay. one of us, holly, one of us, stayed up last night to glue a little sign together. right? >> yes, we do. >> tell me where you're from. >> lancaster, south carolina. >> read the sign for me. >> hey, y'all, lancaster, south carolina, folks, we made it to "gma." >> what is what i like about the whole thing. it's like hey, y'all. it's my hometown. that's how my mom sounds. let's get to the boards. one or two thing going on. in tampa, fts is showing us a live shot this morning. those storms are just about there. they're on the verge of moving through that entire area. this is a powerful line.
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be in tune with those local abc stations. and you know when the storms are getting in and getting out. a quick look at what's going on in the northwest. we'll show you a brand-new storm system that has some flooding with it. this is heavy rain and big fright now, just areas o light rain and a downpour in montgomery county. a few showers. there's a cold front moving into 95 corridor. temperatures will be dropping. at 60 of the district but be in the 50's for the rest of the day. an to anwill come from end. it will be gusty and clear and we may be a little damp. but we're having fun inside. george and elizabeth? >> you sure are. thanks, sam. what does it take to look perfect?
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and how far are you willing to go? would you go in for a nip and a tuck? or 14 of them? nick watt has a story from london of a woman taking the quest for youth to brand-new extremes. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. you're about to meet a woman who claims she is a trail blazer. cindy jackson says she is redefining what aging means. and i am going to tell you, she is not what i expect. if you pass cindy jackson on the street, you would have no idea why she is famous. why she holds a world record. but cindy jackson has had $100,000 worth of cuts, pulls, peels, jabs and a whole lot of whatever that is. >> it's not just operations. i mean, i've had 14 full-scale operations with anesthetic. only 14. but i've had botox, my upper and lower eyes down twice. liposuction. >> reporter: you'd be
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hard-pressed to find a part of her body that hasn't been clok z cosmetically enhanced. knee liposuction? >> you get that area over the knees. >> reporter: watch cindy's face change over the years. she's had more cosmetic procedures than anyone else ever. 52. that's a world record. cindy is now 55 years old. >> i didn't set out to set a world record. it was never my ambition. it's just that i had so much done. >> reporter: most recently, to her hands. >> i'd had everything done to look younger, to look better. and my hands were letting me down. >> reporter: so, she had them injected with a substance that apparently stimulates collagen production. >> i had veins and tendons sticking up. now, you don't see them at all. >> reporter: you're messing with nature. >> nature messes with me. i have no problem messing with
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nature. but that's what people do. we redirect water and call it plumbing. that's not natural. >> reporter: i have a receding hairline, large chin and crow's feet. that's just me. sort of live with it. >> well, everybody's different. >> reporter: over the years, cindy has transformed herself from this, into this. why? >> for me, it was just to look better. it's a very basic, simple reason. >> reporter: cindy jackson grew up in small town ohio, with a short-tempered father and low self-esteem. >> one guy, when i was 14, said, you know, cindy, when you smile, from the side, your nose and chin almost meet. it was like being in the wrong body and face. and i felt that very much. and i wanted to change it. >> reporter: when her father died, he left her some money. and the work began. there was a formula that you were aiming for? >> definitely. you can't just randomly start
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changing your features. you wouldn't look human. >> reporter: the ancient greeks formulated an ideal symmetry. >> it gets technical. and from the sides, your upper lip should line up with your chin. soon, cindy felt 10% better. why just stop at 10%? >> reporter: the more you do, the more potential something goes horribly wrong and you end up on a slippery slope and end up looking like a freak? >> well, that's not how i do it. >> reporter: she claims she is careful. she takes it slow. why do so many people get it wrong? >> the big famous disasters, it seems to me, is it's a woeful plan to make themselves look strange. >> reporter: cindy says she just wants to be beautiful. and young. >> i feel like a young spirit. and i don't want to look in the mirror and see an old face. >> reporter: she now runs a website, writes books and works as a cosmetic surgery consultant. >> for me, the best result is one that looks natural. i wouldn't ever want anyone to
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stop and stare at me and go, that woman's had a lot of surgery. i would never want to look like i'd had anything done. >> reporter: does she look natural? does she really? you decide. now, whether you think cindy looks natural or not, that's one question. but you'll probably agree she does not look 55 years old. she calls this medical progress and says that we do not have to look like our parents looked as they aged. and, elizabeth, cindy jackson calls that evolution. >> well, you were sitting across from her, nick. let me put you on the spot. does she look natural? >> from certain sides, she does. i think when she smile, she perhaps doesn't look quite natural. you can see little marks here. but if i pass her on the street, i would not know she had anything done. i went to that interview expecting to see a kind of freak show. someone who had far too much work done. and that is definitely, definitely not her. >> interesting. all right, nick. thanks so much. coming up, what really happened on the dance floor last
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night. maks joins us live, next. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate.
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pick yourself up ♪ ooh. that fall on the dance floor, added even more drama than usual to last night's "dancing with the stars." emotion is drawing high, which made for some memorable moments on the dance floor. week three had plenty of high energy. ♪ heartfelt tributes. and a couple of hiccups. >> i can't see anything in front of me. i started to panic. i started to shake. >> we did it 100 times. it's live tv. >> reporter: at the bottom of the scoreboard, wendy and tony's radio-inspired fox trot. scoring 15 out of 30. >> i don't think we danced a 15. but the judges are the judges. hopefully people will keep me and tony here. >> reporter: top score, petra and tony. and hines and kym dancing a
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memorable samba. but the most-talked about moment of the night -- kirstie and maks took that spill during their rumba. maks sure looked to be hurt. but ever the pro, he got up. they completed the dance to cheers from the crowd. >> once you got up, you were better than ever. >> reporter: earning a 21 out of 30 from the judges. >> we have been on our feet and legs. >> i want to dance again tomorrow night. i want to earn the 7s that we got. >> reporter: and some praise from their competitors. >> if you walked into that and saw that number halfway through, you would have no idea there was any hiccups in that. let alone, one as big as it was. >> and maks joins us now. along with our good friend from last season of "dancing with the stars," kyle massey in the
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studio. maks, picking up on last night. what happened? it looked like you were in such pain. >> i don't know. it never happened before. if it did, i would camouflage it. muscle -- i guess like a charlie horse. you know, it just gave out. i really didn't -- nothing to say. >> we see you at one point, hold your finger up to kirstie like, give me one minute. what were you doing at that moment? were you trying to get that muscle back under you? that leg back under you? what? >> no. it wasn't a one minute thing. it was, obviously, we rehearse a lot during the week. and so, you know, each couple with his celebrity, we have our own things, our wifs, okay. let's start from here. the whole thing about the situation, what makes me the most uncomfortable is that i want to be, you know, my philosophy is i want to be in the background. i'm the backbone.
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but i want to be in the shadows. and i feel like, this being the most talked-about moment, takes away from hines and from petra, doing their phenomenal routines. and even from kirstie, obviously. that's why i feel a little awkward with this whole -- >> it's gracious of you on maks. you went out on twitter and apologized to your fans. you can't apologize for getting hurt, for having a muscle spasm. >> yeah, you can. >> well, it's -- >> i was -- >> are you okay? >> yeah. i'm good. i mean, you know, it's fine. it's not a pain that, you know, that's going to stop me. you know, the person that got scared the most is teddy, one of the pro dancers in the troupe this season. he's looking like, oh, crap. i'm the stand-in. you're not taking my spot that easy. >> let's bring in kyle right now. kyle, you're a veteran. you performed last season. tell us what it's like when
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something goes wrong. you didn't have a fall or anything like that. but what goes through your mind? >> i had one slip-up on my season. and when something goes wrong, on the dance floor, it's one of those moments that you knew could happen. but you could never prepare for it. it's one of those, like, oh, my goodness. how do we get back into this? and keep it professional. keep it ballroom, and just kind of get the crowd to forget about the mistake. and i think that's what maks kirstie did. absolutely phenomenal. >> it's a little like competitive sports. you can't think about what just happened. you have to focus on what you've got to do next. >> absolutely. absolutely. for them to go out there after that major slip-up and -- look at their posture. everything is just phenomenal. it was going exactly how to keep it going. >> who is surprising this season? >> um, well, to tell you the truth, there's a bunch of surprises this season. of course, you know, my good friend, chelsea kane and mark
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ballas. >> she might win. >> she has a very good chance. posture, great. chemistry, phenomenal. >> were the judges too harsh on ralph last night? >> i think the judges -- when the judges are tough on you, they know you have potential to be something great. so, they want to be hard on you so it can motivate you to make you want to really do something. >> and you said you could go back, which dance would you do? >> i'd do the jive. i'd be jiving all over the place. >> giving us a little jive on the way out. thank you very much. the next couple booted off tonight, they will be live here tomorrow. see you then. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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♪ oh, do it [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate, from nestle. tough being the only girl. aw, there's the man of the house. who's this ? this is rufus. hey, rufus. he's actually pretty talented. you wanna see him do a trick ? ok. hey rufus. who do we love ? we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. yes, yes. you really love your bank don't you. ally bank customers love our 24/7 customer care that allows you to talk to a real person anytime. ally. do you love your bank ? there are milestones that no parent wants to miss. let's see, there's first steps. first words. first time riding a bike without training wheels. and the first vacation memory that will last till roughly... forever.
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now, there's a first. tell us what you've always wanted to do, on facebook. [ ship horn blows ] >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> and good morning everybody. i am alison starling at 8:27 of this tuesday. here is lisa baden with a check on traffic. it has been an interesting morning. make sure you turn your headlights on. accidentsve any major on interstate travel. a crash near 123 like it isks settling down. we will take you to quince orchard road and clopper road. they almost have everything out
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of the roadway. in virginia, 66 and 95 are still pretty hefty to get to the beltway. newington's of 14 spritsail looks like this. we have rainshowers approaching folks near the 14th street bridge. you can see that line of grain moving toward a montgomery approach ignited by a quarter in maryland. it will encompass most of 66. this is the cold front hitting speak. we to thed will shift minutes andthin temperatures will drop down into 50's.wer be in the 50's for the day even with late day sunshine. it will be windy and isolated sprinkle possible tomorrow but in the 60's. > the woman accused of trying destroy a painting at the d.c. national gallery will have evaluation today. she allegedly pounded on the g
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aguin painting. the painting was not damaged and on display today. we'
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[ cheers and applause ] we're in times square this morning. and this half hour, we're all about extraordinary women. starting out with eva longoria. she is here to cook some of her favorite recipes this morning. and she has a surprise ingredient for a very memorable meal. >> she is working it. if you can smell what we smell in the studio. she has three dishes for us. she will give us the dish on the show, as well, and what's going on with her life. also, superstar singer, toni braxton is here. she's ready to reveal a whole new side of herself. plus, caroline kennedy. >> ah.
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>> she has a brand-new book of poems. >> this is a book of poems that are about different significant times in a woman's life. i'm looking forward to reading different aspects of it. first, let's check in with sam champion for our weather in the last half hour. hey, sam. >> we are hanging on. ethan and allen. i like the snow boots. are they rain and snow boots? >> yes. >> have you ever wore them in snow? >> yes. >> and they work pretty well? >> yes. >> ever wore them in rain? maybe today. and it works pretty good. >> no. >> yeah. tell me your name. >> conner davis. >> conner. and the sign says, i love pickles. >> and the other? >> make me famous. >> let's look at the boards as you look at washington, d.c. you can see the clearing line, back through there. that's the plan for the entire eastern seaboard. it may take a little time for it to get to you. but this storm line is on the
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way out. so far, it's been the most active storm session since 2006. we're still counting. we think we might get above that 1,000 mark. twitter pictures are in. facebook has lit up. we thank you for the storm damage pictures. here's where the storms continue for a little bit. quick look at the fly-by. it is everything you need to know about your weather today in one, one convenient location. yep. it's nice from waco towards vegas. it's drier up towards we have a few lingering along the cold front moving into the district as we speak. down toures will be 50's so we will remain in eh all that weather was brought to you by carnival cruise line. elizabeth? >> thank you so much. she burns up the small
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screen on "desperate housewives" every sunday night. now, eva longoria is heating up the kitchen. she has a new book out called "eva's kitchen." we're excited to have you here. >> good to be here. but it's raining. >> it's a bad hair day for everybody. >> yes. >> i was reading your forward at the beginning of your cookbook. and you say your dad had a rule in the house, that you were never allowed to eat fast food. and nothing goes to waste. >> yes. we -- i grew up on a ranch. so, we grew a lot of our own vegetables. and we grew -- we had a citrus farm, as well. plenty of food. >> you raised chickens. >> we had chickens, pigs and cows. we had everything there. we weren't allowed to eat fast food. my mom, on payday, would sneak us a domino's pizza, once in a while. that was a big treat. but other than that, we always ate at home. and i kind of got used to that.
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>> and the entire family would eat together every night? >> every night. every night at 6:00. my mom had a full-time job. my dad would come home at 6:00. and she would have dinner on the table. we would help her. it was always a family event. i grew up with that domestic feeling in my family. >> you know, there's a lot of science that shows how important that is. but it also develops a pallet. kids are not being raised on twinkies or burgers. they're learning how to eat great quesadillas. >> quesadillas, not so healthy. unless you use a good cheese. you control what's going into your body. i like to cook. i talk about it all the time. it's my passion. if i wasn't an actress, i think i would go to culinary school. i love it. i think it's a beautiful artform. >> you tell a story of one time of cooking a cuban meal all day long. and going to a red carpet event and having an interview tell you
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smell like food. >> i smell like cumin. i smell like cumin now. >> it's one of my favorite spices. >> you have to be raised with it. your pallet has to be used to it. i always cook in gowns. i'll be doing a photo shoot in my house where i have to make dinner. i'll be cooking in a gown. one time, one of my gowns caught on fire. it's been a journey, me and food. >> i hope there's an apron over the gown. >> i do need an apron today. somebody will kill me if i get something on my dress. >> before we did the cooking part, you filed for divorce last year. how are things? >> it's great. i've been so busy. divorce is not great. i've been fine getting past it. and it's nice to be surrounded by your family and your friends. also to be blessed with a great career and other projects like the book. and i've been lucky that i get to go and promote the cookbook and really focus my attention on
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work. >> right. you said to one reporter in las vegas, that you were on the divorce diet. i'm not sure what that is. but you look fantastic. >> i don't know why. everybody loses weight after divorce. >> let's gain some weight. we'll cook in your kitchen. come on. we have a kitchen set up over here. and to help us out, we have your mom. >> my momma. >> your mom. >> who loves "good morning america." she watches all the time. >> you do? thank you so much. it's so nice to see you. oh, my goodness. we're going to start off today with aunt didi's carne guisada. >> it's not a mexican cookbook. >> but it has a lot of spices and fresh vegetables. >> we start with beef here. >> this is good, lean beef, right? >> it's very lean. >> it can be any kind, though?
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>> it can be any kind. we use beef because we're from texas. you're going to put the beef in and brown it. this is really hot. >> magically -- >> my goodness. we'll leave that there. but this is how it magically appears. i'm going to brown it. we're going to put the onions. want to grab those, momma? and put those in there. onions, garlic, bell pepper. cumin. >> my favorite. >> salt, pepper. >> is that tomato sauce? >> that's going to go in after you kind of -- yeah. >> brown it all? >> after you put in all of the spices. this is the cumin that you can smell. it's filling up the studio. and here, you mix all that stuff up. >> you mix it up. >> you poor in the water. once that's mixed up. and then, you poor in the tomato sauce. >> fantastic. >> and this, voila, that is gorgeous. and you serve it with tortillas or flat bread? >> this is my aunt didi's carne
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guisada. and my aunt elsa's flour tortillas. >> you have spanish rice today. this is hard to make. >> it is hard. but the way i have it in the cookbook is not so hard. you put everything in the pan and walk away. >> no touching. stirring. >> if you stir or mix it, it gets a little fluffy. >> really good. >> and one of your classics here, elsa's pineapple upside down cake. >> that's from my mom. >> is that your favorite, too? >> yes, it is. >> which one of eva's recipes is your favorite? >> tortilla soup. >> and how did she get to be such a good cook? >> i don't know. a little bit of training, i guess, from me. >> that's great. that sounds fantastic. do you cook this kind of stuff every day? >> i do, actually. it was funny when i was testing the cookbook, i would make
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random things. i would make pineapple upside down cake. and i would make carne guisada. >> a great breakfast. >> what do you think of the carne guisada? >> it's really good. >> my mom grew up with a bunch of sisters. so, we all learned to cook from all of my aunts. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. >> that is really -- does this have to cook a long time? does it simmer for hours? >> the longer it simmers, the better. >> probably great the next day, too? >> yeah. talk. >> talk with food in your mouth. >> they're going crazy, saying we have to go. all the recipes on we'll be right back with caroline kennedy. thank you.
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50 years ago, the kennedy white house gave new promise to poetry, when robert frost so unforgetibly recited at jfk's inauguration. now, caroline kennedy is keeping that alive, in poems she has collected to celebrate women in all milestones of their lives. it's called "she walks in beauty." and caroline kennedy is here to talk about it now. this started on your 50th birthday? >> pretty much. people that grew up with me doesn't like to hear that i'm 50. it makes them feel really old.
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it wasn't that long ago. three friends sent me palms. palms were things we're gave as gifts. it got me started thinking about palms for different times in your life. we have a chance to make our own lives and also make the world around us better. and poems have helped me do that. and can help people. >> this is something that was in your family? this is something your mother started with you, as well? >> yes. we had to pick out a poem. she did it with her grandfather. i think in times past, i heard as i talk about poetry, it's something that families pass down. it sort of keeps alive the conversations and the special times you might have with a relative, an older relative, that shares a poem that they grew up with. i try to keep that going with my own children. the last poem in this book, my daughter gave me for christmas this year. >> we'll have to look that up right now. >> it's a fun thing. and for other kids, it's a great
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way of being introduced to words and ideas, which is really so important for them to grow up and find their voice. >> i love the subtitle, "a woman's journey through poems." you highlight every aspect of life. friendship, love and grief. you say the section that means the most to you, the section about how to live. >> right. that's really the challenge. and i think for me, you know, turning 50, was really a chance to look forward and back. i think for so many of my friends, everybody's so focused on, you know, what do we do now? am i old? am i young? and i think that poems help focus on sort of what's ahead and the choices that you have, as well. kind of what's important. >> there's a great line. one of the poems you picked, "long before you look." the last line, he says, our dream of safety has to disappear. >> that's a great poem. leap before you look. that's sort of -- brings you up short. >> we're going to have you try something new right now.
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>> okay. >> we want you to read one of the poems. >> okay. >> who have you picked? >> this is anna st. vincent malet. one of the first poems i ever memorized were by her. it's called "grown up." was it for this, i uttered prayers and sobbed and cursed and kicked the stairs, that now, domestic as a plate, i should retire at half past 8:00. >> she didn't mince words. >> that's kind of the story of growing up and becoming a parent. >> it sure is. before we go, we want to see what your daughter left for you. i wasn't ready for that. your daughter. >> it's complicated. give it a try. it's about, she said it reminded her of me. >> reminded her of you? >> yes. >> i'll give you the first two lines then. you must admire her perfect aim, this huntress of the winter air. >> how nice is that?
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>> that is nice. >> that was christmas. >> thank you for coming in. caroline kennedy. "she walks in beauty" in bookstores today. coming up here, is toni braxton ready to reveal everything? she's going to tell us live.
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toni braxton has sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. now, fans will get to know a whole new side of the superstar, with her reality series, "broxton family values." on the show, the singer tries to balance a career in the spotlight and mother behind the scenes. thanks for being here. there's been so many health issues you've been dealing with. heart problems. and even lupus. how are you? >> today's a good day. i have heart disease because of my lupus. i didn't know that for years. i found out in 2008 that i had lupus. it was challenging for me.
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it force med to cancel the biggest show. all of the financial issues, were because of my health issues, that led to my financial issues. >> you had to cancel gigs that piled up. >> exactly. >> getting back to the heart disease. what kind of heart disease do you have? >> i have vascular angina. i have to say angina because a lot of guys look down. it's a morning show. >> you had a doctor tell you that you might need a heart transplant. >> it's very hard to diagnosis lupus. i'm one of the fortunate ones. they thought i needed a heart transplant. i had to cancel all of my gigs. feeling like a victim. what is wrong with me? what do i do? i thought about my kids. my two kids, the youngest is autistic. i immediately thought about them. >> we talk a lot about your family and the challenges of single motherhood in the show. we have a clip from the new
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reality show. you do not shy away from family drama in this series. in fact, you have four sisters. >> four sisters. >> two of whom are your backup singers. and in this one clip, one of them does not want to rehearse. >> yes. >> let's roll the tape. >> my show, can't focus. >> it's my show. when it's the -- >> i doubt that you will be singing my background. >> i don't make that face. >> i love my sisters so much. but i cannot deny it that some days i wish i could have my own background singers. there were days when i went on tour and i had my own background singers. that was good. >> the blue on your face? >> that is toothpaste. that's my remedy for drying up adult acne. >> you lay it all out there, don't you? >> i didn't mean to. it was challenging, i have to be honest, having people in my space. i'm from the old school. i think people should have a peek through the key hole.
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my sisters are younger than me. you have to be through 2011. people want to be sitting in the living room with their stars. you have to be current. >> do you forget as the star that the cameras are there after a couple of days? >> no. you do not forget. >> okay. >> a little invasive. >> all right. we know you talked about your two sons. you are single. how difficult is it? i mean, it's hard for any mother to balance a career and motherhood. but when you're doing it by yourself, it can be especially challenging. >> very challenging. but i'm one of the lucky parents because my ex-husband -- soon-to-be ex-husband, very involved because we have a specialty kid. this is national autism awareness. i'm lucky i found out early. >> how did you find out? >> as a mother, i knew he wasn't developing like his brother. >> you have two boys? >> i was a little busy. he's doing well. he's in public school. we're mainstreaming him.
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>> does he have a shadow? >> he has prompters. it's a struggle to get prompters and shadows. but we're doing well. >> when you say you started noticing things were different, how old was he? >> he was a year and a half. he was developing like a year behind his brother. >> right. >> he had no eye contact. he wasn't social at all. a few signs i noticed. >> and catching it early is critical. >> yes. i'm lucky. i have friends helping me out. if you go to ebay, you can get these little buddies for easter. 100% of proceeds go to autism speech. it helps people like me and family members. >> lady gaga. >> yeah. >> any dating on the horizon? >> i'm not ready. i'm not ready. i'm trying to get ready. i haven't gone on a date yet. do you know? >> i do. >> you do? >> we'll talk as soon as we go to commercial break. and how is it working out with the sisters and the backup singers? >> it's challenging.
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>> yeah? >> my younger sister wants to be a star today. >> you can see that. >> she's so talented. i've been the fortunate one who had success immediately in my career. it doesn't mean i'm more talented. it just means it happened for me earlier. my sisters, this is a great venue for them to display their talent. >> toni braxton, thank you so much. i've been a huge fan for years. it's so great to have you here this morning. best of luck with the reality series. >> thank you. series. >> thank you. and
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thank you for watching abc news. we're yaulz online at twitter and facebook. you're going to start twitter. >> i'm starting twittering. tweeting. >> she'll get it right. watch diane sawyer tonight. >> tomorrow, "good morning america," the booted couple from "dancing with the stars" will be here. >> and christie brinkley. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. morning everybody.
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8:56 is your time and diane alison starling. baden andn with lisa traffic. > it looks ominous out there. visibility is less than desirable. been a car wreck on thenorthbound before the third street tunnel. here are a couple of cameras -- is the beltway, there is a wreck on the outer loop connecticut avenue but before 355 and delays began out of college park. in virginia, northbound delays leaving the belt way past edsall road. the pace to the 14th street bridge. at an accident on to that after s bridge and that is bad. and we have rain in the mix e delayssome possibl here and there. there is also road spray from we had earlier this
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morning. there's a line of light rain the east. that is the cold front toward a anne arundel county. 61 degrees in camp springs, maryland. n the 50'ses will be i the day and of willnoon sunshine but it today ended a breezy tomorrow. maybe a sprinkle tomorrow, but back in the 60's. metro stations are starting to double as retail locations. bus tickets are being sold station andsonian month, you can rent movies, games, and cds at 10 metro stations. movie solutions plans to expand to 60 stations. ♪
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